Wednesday 7 April 2010

Local Trading

We all want to make the most of the internet and gain as much worldwide exposure as possible for our businesses. However, it is vital you maximise on your local clients. You need to think of your local market as the point in getting the ball rolling. Once you look after your local clients you will find the word spread and your snowball will keep growing and growing.

Google Pagerank Update

Google as expected have updated Pagerank over the Easter holidays. This update was expected and as always has had all the geek's and guru's speculating as to what it means for the organic search results and search marketing in general.
Fortunately, nothing much as changed this time around. Some companies have gained and some lost places, but in all cases the differeneces are very minor.
The next update is expected around about June and if things go as we expect you will probably find that Google will penalise website owners that are failing to keep their websites upto date and fresh..
If you fall into that category it would be a good idea to change the way you manage your website.

Sunday 14 March 2010

Do people like your website?

When you have your website designed and everyone is cheering and clapping at the amazing job they did, don'f forget to get a number of outside opinion's on the website.
It is even better and worth the effort if you can get this done prior to launch. It is sometimes hard to see the wood for the trees for people closely involved with the project. People not connected with IT and preferably people who have nothing what so ever to do with web design are usually perfect at telling us what they think and telling us straight.
Your website is there to do a job and not massage our egoes, so if you have not done this already we suggest you add it to your to do list.

Sunday 7 March 2010

Search marketing of the future

If you want to be found for relevant information in the future, you must ensure the content you deliver is relevant and fresh.
In an ever changing world it is vital that you keep your content upto date and refresh your website and not just your home page as much as possible.
It does not have to be by much, but if you fail to realise that content is king will only apply if its up to date.
The 24/7 digital era is here and people want it now and want it relevant.

Tuesday 2 March 2010

Whats the score with Google Caffeine

Last year we had a huge amount of SEO companies raving about the Google caffeine update. Upto now I haven't heard anything apart from its coming!
Well pardon me for not getting over excited, but it seems to me that Google has more pressing matters at hand. If you are of have been worried about caffeine I would stop now and start worrying about the economy. Whether or not your SEO Company like it they cannot keep people in jobs or make you a zillionaire overnight. When Caffeine is implemented I would then react to whatever happens to you. Yes, I know paranoia kicks in and you are petrified at dropping out the listings. Well don't be as it is obvious Google will not be changing things too much or they would have launched it already.
Think about the economy and how you can use it best to your advantage. Think about the extras that you can offer your customers to make them buy from you. If you need any help with this just drop me a comment and I will forward some suggestions.