Tuesday 2 March 2010

Whats the score with Google Caffeine

Last year we had a huge amount of SEO companies raving about the Google caffeine update. Upto now I haven't heard anything apart from its coming!
Well pardon me for not getting over excited, but it seems to me that Google has more pressing matters at hand. If you are of have been worried about caffeine I would stop now and start worrying about the economy. Whether or not your SEO Company like it they cannot keep people in jobs or make you a zillionaire overnight. When Caffeine is implemented I would then react to whatever happens to you. Yes, I know paranoia kicks in and you are petrified at dropping out the listings. Well don't be as it is obvious Google will not be changing things too much or they would have launched it already.
Think about the economy and how you can use it best to your advantage. Think about the extras that you can offer your customers to make them buy from you. If you need any help with this just drop me a comment and I will forward some suggestions.

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