Wednesday 9 December 2009

SEO can you do it all on your own.

As soon as I started looking into SEO I quickly realised that I was not going to be able to do it all on my own. The first thing I did was go to the biggest and most widely used search engine Google (which by all accounts is doing well, I hope they ride out this economic downturn) and I looked at the webmaster guidelines which are a great place to start as they give you the advice you need to optimise your website for Google.

There were a number of things I was able to do on my own such as keyword research, then using the chosen keywords from my research I was able to write keyword rich content for my site. With this research I found what the most popular keywords and phrases were for my industry and focused on a number of them to give me a good range of phrase's not just the obvious generic terms. Then I could include these in my Meta tags, Meta Descriptions and Meta Titles, that was the easy part for me, I then had to look into linking, page ranking and the design which was beyond my remit of skills and knowledge this is when I realised I needed help with the rest of this Search Engine Optimisation.

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